Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 5: My Inner Rebellious Brat

I got myself into a snippy mood today . . . still getting used to not being able to eat endless amounts of food. It really brought out my inner rebellious brat voice today. You know, the one that Does not like being told what to do! It seems like a lot of this weight loss game is about waiting out that voice; I just need to have enough faith that this will work and that yes, it is worth it, I can outlast the rebellion and carry on doing what I need to do.

I've read a number of blogs where it sounded like the beginning of the diet was a relatively easy "honeymoon" period. . . . I don't think that's ever been the case with me. The first two weeks of a new food plan have always been really challenging for me, till I find my groove. The next time real challenge strikes is around week 12 or so, when I start to get "bored." If I can grit my teeth and keep going, I know I'll make it through the gauntlet of the first 2 weeks. Then some of the cravings will chill out a bit and I won't feel so angsty all the time.

Today we went to training class with the Bean (really we're probably the ones who need the training ;), and it went really well until near the end when I couldn't get him to do something and the combination of being hungry, hot, and frustrated almost made me snap. My boyfriend has been an angel today; I think he understands that a lot of my snippyness is coming from dealing with my rebellious brat voice all the time, fighting cravings, and then trying to cope with everyday life as well.

Now that I think about it, I don't know that I've ever successfully lost much weight while living my everyday life. The two times I dropped about 25 lbs were both times in my life when I was taking a bit of a break from the grind---staying with family and not working much (if at all). If I can lose weight this time---which I WILL---while still fully immersed in "real" life, it will be an even bigger triumph!

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